m/v Akamalik


       Akamalik is a floating, ultra-modern processing plant and a rugged shrimp boat, all in one sleek package. Fishermen haul in the catch from her gigantic eco-friendly trawling net and send it on conveyers to a pristine below decks processing plant that runs 24 hours a day. The shrimp is sorted, the by-catch removed for separate packaging, and all are boxed and frozen. 

          Sailing the dangerous, ice-choked sea around Greenland, Akamalik is equipped with highly sophisticated radar, scanned continuously, to help her avoid rough seas and icebergs that could sink her. She has ice-breaking capability that allows her to slice her way through the thinner layers.The 85-metre ship has state-of-the-art echo sounders and sonar to find her catch, and catch sensors, tension sensors and a trawl eye to monitor it, ensuring the net doesn't get too full. Maximizing what she can pull in is vital to Akamalik and her largely Greenlandic crew. If she doesn't meet her quotas, or if equipment freezes or breaks and stops the round-the-clock operation, the economy of the whole nation could suffer. The stakes are high as Akamalik sails in freezing January. 
           The lives of the crew are at risk in the treacherous environment of frozen, slippery decks, ice-coated equipment, and dangerous seas. But it's the only livelihood the crew has. And Royal Greenland, the economic flagship their nation depends on, is battling high oil prices and low fish stocks. It's critical that they secure their catch quickly and keep feeding the processing plant that feeds their country.

Length o.a.
Length b.p.
Beadth moulded
Depth to main deck  
Depth to trawl deck
Design draft
Main engine
Speed on trials
Auxiliary Sets
Cargo hold
Fuel oil
Fresh water tanks
Lub oil capacity

75.80 m.
69.86 m.
14.50 m.
6.29 m.
9.29 m.
6.29 m.

4.860 kW
15.00 Knots
14,130 Miles
1 x 1.450 kW
1x 968 kW
1.789 m3
1.002 m
359 m3
68 m3

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